Panda reflection painting
Panda reflection painting

He has an incisive look at consumer society, politics and the military sphere. Of course I enjoyed the drawing that was required to be completed for this section which was definitely a benefactor on why I chose this as the most enjoyable section to learn and write about.The following year, he made his way onto the walls of the world's major museums such as the MoMa, Tate Britain and the Louvre, where he installed his own works. I was surprised on how much knowledge I was lacking on the food web and food pyramid. I still learned a lot from that section and all the new information was interesting. The section I most enjoyed learning and writing about was section 10 (species interactions) because it was one of the easier sections for me to complete. That section literally took me hours to complete and that’s why it was the most challenging of all the sections in the project. Finally, I did get the information that I needed to complete the section. Another issue I had was trying to find ancestors with the adaptations I had previously listed. Different sites gave me different information and none of it was an exact ancestor of the red panda. There is no doubt in my mind that this section was the most difficult because there was little information known about the ancestors of my organism, the red panda. The most challenging section of the project for me was section 7 (response). All the other things I was required to do for this project was dull compared to the drawing parts of the project. The carbon cycle, food web, and food pyramid were also pictures I liked coloring.

#Panda reflection painting full

I especially enjoyed drawing the life cycle of the red panda because I had the opportunity of drawing the red panda in full detail three times. The thing I enjoyed most about this project is drawing the pictures because I always loved coloring and drawing pretty pictures. The other section I felt were challenging was section 5 (growth) because I took too much time to create the prettiest life cycle ever and it caused me a lot of unnecessary stress. A section that was difficult for me to research was section 7 (response), just because of the complexity of creating the cladogram. Lastly, the two innate behaviors of the red panda that I found during my research was that they are nocturnal and that they curl up with their face hidden when they sleep to keep warm during cold nights. They have a small body mass that gives them the ability to walk on thin branches, making the panda unreachable to heavier predators. The pandas also have a large tail which it uses as a pillow and at the same time preventing it from any major heat loss. It is used to hold bamboo with a tight grip and the enlarged wrist bone is also useful to hold onto any other object the red panda pleases to hold onto. Red pandas also have adapted enlarged wrist bones located on each front paw, which serves the same purpose as a thumb would. Another adaptation is a large tail and was obtained by the raccoon.

panda reflection painting

One of the adaptations the red panda has is its small body mass which was passed down by the weasel. Weasels and raccoons are two ancestors of the red panda and it has evolved several adaptations from them both. Immunity to heart worms is an example of a sex-linked trait in red pandas. For the fur color phenotype, a white face is dominant over reddish-brown fur which is a recessive trait. I also learned a lot about the reproduction of red pandas including genes the red pandas possesses. Their habitat’s elevation is 4,900 to 13,000 feet above sea level which is a good explanation on why the air temperature is considerably chilly. For example, I found out that the red panda lives only on the Himalayan foothills in temperate forests.

panda reflection painting

Reflection I have learned quite a bit about my organism, the red panda.

Panda reflection painting