Rotten wood damages the integrity of your home.Rotten wood houses fungus and is not only a health hazard but spreads to other woods.It is necessary to put the damaged material back bare in order to reach the. It is recommended to gently brush the affected area. You cannot treat a surface that is not sufficiently clean beforehand. Our technicians can explain to you the benefits and draw backs of each! Preparing rotten wood before hardening with the wood hardener is an operation that should not be taken lightly. Invest in PVC wrap or other forms of rotten wood replacement.Replacing rotten wood would allow a fresh start.Thread by: Hqitai, Sep 4, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Trade Market tennis17jhm. Hold the router so that the bit is 3.2mm from the wood’s back edge. Buying the wand Rotten wood put a picture or link about the id and ill buy. Repairing rotten wood is a temporary solution to a long term problem. Remove any leftover rotten wood using a router with a V-shaped bit.Why Should I Replace Instead of Repair Rotten Wood? Check out The Family Handyman’s Guide to Rotten Wood Repair.Do not attempt to cover it instead of painting, you want to fill it.You should not leave it exposed, if you aren’t ready to replace it paint it.What Should You Not Do to Your Rotten Wood? During the summer months increased pest populations will lead to more termites and wood bugs to feast on your wood and help it rot faster, and thanks to the increase heat and precipitation your exposed wood will continuously expand and shrink. Rotten wood is often repainted and ignored until it becomes a large problem or an eyesore. Replacing rotten wood is an important and often overlooked chore to many. These activities may include fixing up decks or windows, pest control services, or setting up curtains and blinds to protect your home from the outside heat. As the summer rolls in many homeowners are trying to bug proof their homes and begin their preparations for mosquito hordes, summer heat, and increased outdoor activity.